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  • Heart disease is more common in dogs than in cats. It can be due to congenital defects or adult-onset disease. The two most common types of adult heart disease are mitral regurgitation (valve disease) and dilated cardiomyopathy or DCM (heart muscle disease). Diagnosis involves X-rays, ECG, and echocardiography. Treatment depends on the cause of heart disease.

  • A heart murmur is an abnormal sound that originates from the heart valves and can be heard with a stethoscope skillfully placed over the heart valves.

  • Heartworms are blood-borne parasites that reside in the heart or adjacent large blood vessels of infected animals. There is no drug approved for treating heartworms in cats and surgical removal is generally the best option. Veterinarians now strongly recommend that all cats receive year-round monthly heartworm preventative in areas where mosquitoes are active all year round. Cats that live in colder areas, where mosquitoes are seasonal, should be given monthly preventives for at least six months of the year.

  • Heartworm disease is serious and potentially life-threatening to dogs. Treatment involves several components to combat potential bacterial infection, kill the heartworm larvae (microfilaria), kill the adult heartworms, and then test to confirm successful treatment. Complete rest for a dog undergoing treatment is essential. The prognosis for dogs after heartworm treatment is generally good if the pet owner follows all veterinary recommendations closely.

  • Your older cat requires more care and attention to make sure they have the best quality of life. If they have certain medical conditions, that will factor into what they can do and how often they may need to see your family veterinarian. It's important to spend time with your cat to keep their stress low and monitor for changes.

  • Your older dog requires more care and attention to make sure they have the best quality of life. If they have certain medical conditions, that will factor into what they can do and how often they may need to see your family veterinarian. It's important to spend time with your dog not only for social interaction but to stimulate their mind.

  • When a beloved family member dies, the surviving people and pets mourn the loss. Dogs and cats rely on their social group for safety and emotional well being. Surviving pets experience the loss of a favored companion and a disruption of the social dynamic. They may also be distressed when they sense changes in the emotions and behavior of household people.

  • Hemophilia A and B are clotting disorders involving a deficiency of a specific clotting factor (A: Factor VIII, B: Factor IX) needed for appropriate homeostasis. They are caused by a sex-linked recessive genetic mutation. Affected dogs will show inappropriate hemorrhage including bruising, lameness induced by bleeding into joints and body cavity hemorrhage. It can be diagnosed with a slow APTT and demonstrating low levels of the factor involved. Hemophilia A is more common than B and is generally, more severe. Because it is sex-linked recessive, males are more likely to be affected than females but females still act as carriers, so genetic screening is important prior to breeding to prevent this disease.

  • Hepatic encephalopathy is a neurologic condition in cats and dogs that is caused by an underlying liver condition. It can cause lethargy, seizures, problems with balance and coordination, and coma. Common causes, methods to diagnose the condition, and its treatment options are explained in this handout.

  • This handout explains hepatic microvascular dysplasia, a condition where microscopic blood vessels within the liver are underdeveloped or absent, resulting in decreased blood flow to the liver. As a result, the liver is less capable of dealing with toxins or producing the vital proteins needed for good health. Methods to diagnose the condition and its treatment options are also explained.

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