
Dental & Oral Health + English

  • Periodontal disease is the most common problem affecting cats of all age groups. The importance of daily dental home care cannot be overemphasized. Nutrition can contribute to preventing periodontal disease and gingivitis.

  • In veterinary dentistry, tooth repair or restoration that fully covers the tooth is called a crown. Crowns are used after root canal therapy or when enamel is not present due to wear or congenital disease. This article discusses how crowns are made and used in veterinary care. Under normal wear, and with special care, the crown should last for your dog's lifetime.

  • Dental disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a condition in which the tissues supporting the teeth become inflamed. When a pet develops dental disease, significant quantities of bacteria reside within the mouth and the oral tissues. These bacteria can enter the bloodstream and travel to other areas such as the liver and kidneys, causing distant or systemic effects.

  • Dental pain may take on a variety of appearances, but often, a cat will not show any outward signs of pain. The only effective treatment for dental pain is to address the cat's underlying dental disease. The best way to prevent dental pain is to ensure that your cat receives regular dental care through a home dental care plan and regular veterinary dental care.

  • Dental pain may take on a variety of appearances, but often, a dog will not show any outward signs of pain. The only effective treatment for dental pain is to address the dog's underlying dental disease. The best way to prevent dental pain is to ensure that your dog receives regular dental care through a home dental care plan and regular veterinary dental care.

  • If a tooth is unerupted, it is at risk of forming a destructive dentigerous (odontogenic) cyst in the bone. Although unerupted or broken teeth can be painful, dogs rarely show obvious signs of pain. Dentigerous cysts, including and the original tooth must be removed carefully as to avoid compromising the bone, which can easily fracture during the extraction. Dentigerous cysts are preventable if unerupted teeth are addressed early in life.

  • Alveolar osteitis, also called expansile osteitis, is a relatively common condition that results from chronic periodontal disease in cats. It is painful and can interfere with grooming and eating. If this disorder is detected early, it may be possible to treat the disease without tooth extraction by performing thorough periodontal therapy (dental cleaning and scaling).

  • Fractured teeth in cats can result from fights, car accidents, and chewing on hard objects. There are five classifications of tooth fractures and each needs treatment to avoid tooth sensitivity and pain. Because cats have thin enamel, even a small chip fracture can cause pain and needs veterinary care. Clinical signs include chewing on one side of the mouth, excessive drooling, pawing at the mouth, and facial swelling.

  • Dogs often break their teeth from chewing on bones, antlers, and hard chew toys. There are five classifications of tooth fractures and each needs treatment to avoid tooth sensitivity and pain. Clinical signs include chewing on one side of the mouth, excessive drooling, dropping food while eating, pawing at the mouth, and facial swelling. Your veterinarian may perform a root canal or extract the tooth. Eliminating hard chew toys and treats can prevent tooth fractures.

  • Gingival hyperplasia is the abnormal growth of excessive gum tissue. The gums may appear reddened or inflamed and may become so enlarged that it is difficult to visualize the teeth. In some cases, gingival hyperplasia may be localized to specific areas and its appearance may mimic the appearance of a mass or tumor. Gingival hyperplasia is most commonly treated with the surgical removal of the excessive proliferative tissue, referred to as gingivoplasty. Although it results in a significant improvement in clinical signs, gingivoplasty does not typically cure the condition.

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