
Cancer & Tumors + English

  • Rabbits and guinea pigs commonly present symptoms related to the urinary system. At home, the owner may notice urine collecting in the hair on the inside of the rear legs, a more pungent smell to the urine, the pet straining to urinate, or hematuria (bloody urine). After a proper physical exam and a thorough palpation of the urinary bladder, the veterinarian may identify bladder stones (a firm, oval hard mass in the bladder) or "bladder sludge" in rabbits (a bladder filled with a grainy, sand-like material). X-rays of the abdomen allow the veterinarian to identify the type of bladder disease and/or the number of stones.

  • Chemotherapy is the therapeutic use of chemical agents to destroy or inhibit the growth and division of cancer cells. Usually, chemotherapy is used when tumors are widespread or when there is significant or immediate risk of spread from the primary location. It is often used following the surgical removal of tumors. In some cases, chemotherapy is started prior to surgery. The side effects of chemotherapy are related to the effects of chemotherapy on normal -as well as cancerous- cells. The principal goal of cancer care in pets is to provide cancer control without reducing quality of life.

  • Chondrosarcomas arise from cartilage, which is a connective tissue primarily found where bones meet with joints, as well as at other locations in the body such as the nasal cavity, and ribs. Chondrosarcoma is a rare tumor in cats, but it can occur. Clinical signs of chondrosarcoma may vary significantly, depending on where the tumor arises. Although the mass may grow rapidly, less than 20% of feline chondrosarcoma cases metastasize to other parts of the body. Therefore, surgical removal is curative in many cases.

  • Chondrosarcomas arise from cartilage, which is a connective tissue primarily found where bones meet with joints, as well as at other locations in the body such as the nasal cavity, and ribs. Chondrosarcoma is the second-most common primary bone tumor in dogs. Canine chondrosarcoma most commonly affects the flat bones of the body, such as the ribs, skull, nasal cavity, and pelvis, although the limbs can also be affected. Aggressive surgical removal is typically recommended, although radiation therapy may also be used, depending on location of tumor. Metastasis may occur but is relatively uncommon.

  • Skin cancers are common in cats, but cutaneous lymphoma is relatively uncommon. Less than 2% of lymphoma cases in cats occur in the skin. As the disease progresses, the skin becomes thickened, reddened, ulcerated, and may ooze fluid. The most common locations to find lesions include the junction between mucus membranes and the skin. Unfortunately, feline cutaneous lymphoma is considered incurable. Surgical removal can be attempted for solitary lesions, although the tumor often returns to the area or will have spread elsewhere in the body already

  • Systemic lymphoma is a very common cancer in dogs, but the cutaneous form is quite rare. Current statistics suggest that cutaneous lymphoma accounts for only about 5% of canine lymphoma cases. The disease can present in a variety of lesions, including ulcers, nodules, red patches, and areas of hair loss and skin scaling. Because not very much is known about canine cutaneous lymphoma, there are no standard treatment protocols and the prognosis is poor.

  • Esophageal tumors are extremely rare but more often than not malignant type tumors. The cause is unknown but cases in tropical environments may be due to infection by the worm Spirocerca lupi. Treatment options are limited as surgical complications are high due to the advanced nature of the disease at time of diagnosis.

  • Infertility in a female dog is defined as the inability to conceive and deliver viable puppies, even when mated multiple times with a known fertile male surrounding the time of ovulation. This handout outlines the varying causes of infertility in female dogs and how they may be diagnosed and treated.

  • Intestinal tumors are uncommon in dogs and cats, comprising about 2% of all cancers. There are many kinds, including leiomyosarcomas, lymphomas, adenocarcinomas, mast cell tumors, gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs), plasmacytomas, carcinoids, and osteosarcomas (all malignant) and leiomyomas, adenomatous polyps, and adenomas (all benign). Most intestinal tumors are malignant. Intestinal tumors are more prevalent in older animals and certain breeds. Signs, diagnosis, and treatment are discussed.

  • A keratoma is a rare benign tumor of the inner layer of keratin-producing epidermal hoof wall cells that forms inside a horse's foot. As the tumor slowly grows, it expands and separates the hoof wall laminae, causing pain and lameness.

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