
Cats + Medical Conditions + English

  • An abscess is a pocket of pus located somewhere in the body. Abscesses can be located superficially or deep within the body tissues. Typically, an abscess appears suddenly as a painful swelling (if it is not located inside a body cavity or deep within tissue). A cat with an abscess will often have a fever, even if the abscess has ruptured and drained to the outside of the body. One of the most common causes is a bite from another animal, but internal abscesses have other risk factors. Treatment involves removing the pocket of pus by drainage or surgery, as well as antibiotic therapy. Delayed or inadequate treatment may lead to chronically draining tracts in the tissue or even to organ system compromise, so it is important to follow all treatment instructions from your veterinarian.

  • Acute respiratory distress syndrome, also known as shock lung, is a life-threatening complication of critical illness in cats, such as systemic infection or disease, severe trauma, or near-drowning. Treatment involves targeting the underlying cause while also supporting the cat's compromised lung function with the use of an oxygen cage, an oxygen line direct to the cat's nasal passages, or in severe cases, a mechanical ventilator. Unfortunately, the prognosis for this condition is poor.

  • Addison’s disease, also known as hypoadrenocorticism, is a condition in which the adrenal glands do not produce enough glucocorticoids (steroids) and is considered rare in cats. When normal adrenal gland tissue is destroyed, cats often have a history of waxing and waning periods of lethargy, decreased appetite, and weight loss.

  • Amyloidosis occurs when amyloid proteins are deposited outside cells in various tissues and organs causing tissue and organ dysfunction. It is uncommon in cats, except for Abyssinians, Siamese, Burmese, Tonkinese, Devon Rex, and Oriental shorthair breeds. Signs depend on the organs involved, but kidney involvement is most common. If kidneys are involved, signs include mouth ulcers, weight loss, vomiting, and dehydration. For cats with liver involvement, signs include weakness, pale gum color, distended abdomen, rapid heart rate, rapid breathing, abdominal pain, and collapse.

  • Antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections are bacterial infections that are minimally or no longer responsive to commonly used antibiotics. Although these bacterial infections occur naturally, the frequent and/or inappropriate use of antibiotics accelerates the process. Cats with certain medical conditions may also be predisposed.

  • Anticoagulant rodenticide is used to kill mice, rats, and other rodents. Poisoning occurs when a cat ingests rodenticide. Anticoagulant rodenticides cause excessive bleeding by interfering with vitamin K1 recycling in the body. Vitamin K1 is needed for the body to make certain clotting factors that enable blood to clot and help to control bleeding.

  • Aortic stenosis is a heart disease that is present at birth. Cats affected with aortic stenosis have a narrowing at the aortic valve of the heart. The clinical signs of aortic stenosis vary depending on how severe the stenosis is; some cats remain asymptomatic throughout their life, while other cats begin showing clinical signs at an early age and can experience sudden death. The treatment of aortic stenosis depends upon the severity of the condition.

  • An aortic thromboembolism (ATE) results when a blood clot is dislodged and travels through the aorta, becoming lodged in a distant location. This clot causes severely reduced blood flow to the tissues receiving blood from that section of the aorta, leading to decreased oxygen in the tissues. A heart condition called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is the most common cause. This article outlines clinical signs, treatment, monitoring, and prognosis for cats with this condition.

  • Approximately 20% of cats across all ages suffer from painful osteoarthritis in one or more joints, and 90% of cats over 12 years of age show evidence of arthritis on radiographs. Because cats are living longer, every cat owner will face the issue of osteoarthritis at some point. This handout discusses the use of nutrition and nutritional supplements to aid in the management of your cat's osteoarthritis. Weight loss, omega fatty acids, and various chondroprotective supplements are discussed.

  • Osteoarthritis is a common condition affecting bones and joints in many older cats. It is a disease of management and cannot be cured. Medications, physical therapy, nutrition, and surgery may all be considered to help alleviate the pain. Cats can live a normal life with a tailored care plan.

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