

  • Compounded medications are not approved by federal authorities. They are medications that have been altered to provide more accurate dosing or easier administration. They have not been tested for safety, stability, potency, or efficacy.

  • Palatability refers to how good a pet food or treat tastes, and it is based on the preferences of a dog or cat. Palatability is a combination of how a product smells, tastes, and feels. Pet food companies spend a lot of time and money studying how to improve the palatability of their products. This article addresses several commonly asked questions about the "how", "what", and "why" of making pet foods as tasty as they can be.

  • Most dog owners would agree that our canine friends are doggone cute. Some of their expressions and actions simply amplify their “cuteness.” But are they born with the innate “cuteness”, or do they learn how to be cute? This article discusses some of the reasons for these cute expressions and behaviors.

  • Wheat gluten + monosodium glutamate (brand name For-Bid) is a food additive commonly used to deter coprophagy (eating stool). Give as directed by your veterinarian. Side effects have not been reported. Do not use concurrently with steroids. If a negative reaction occurs, please call your veterinary clinic.

  • Cat grass can be one of many cereal grains such as oat, wheat, barley, alfalfa, or rye. The grass is planted and cultivated indoors and presented to the cat as a supplement to the existing diet. Eating grass targets a cat’s natural instinct to forage and provides entertainment as well as nutritional and digestive value.

  • Whipworms are intestinal parasites measuring about 1/4 inch (6 mm) in length. They live in the intestinal tract of cats where they can cause severe irritation. Whipworm infection results in watery diarrhea, weight loss, and general debilitation. Fecal testing will not detect every infection. Whipworm infection in cats is rare in North America but cases appear to be rising.

  • The terms 'whistler' and 'roarer' are used to describe horses that make an abnormal respiratory noise during exercise. The noise is heard during inspiration (i.e., breathing in) and may be anything from a high pitched soft whistle to a harsh 'roar'.

  • Dogs were built to chew. That is a fact. Bones can lead to a number of health problems from minor injuries to severe illness. Our job as pet parents, is to provide them with chewing options that do not put them in jeopardy. Happy chewing!

  • Cats will always lick, but it is sometimes embarrassing when they lick their private parts. Licking after eliminating is normal; however, if your cat licks more frequently, or you notice other signs such as discharge; swollen or red penis, vulva, or anus; pustules; discoloration of the skin; or if your cat strains to urinate, see your veterinarian for help. Appropriate medical therapy can reduce your cat's discomfort.

  • A cat’s ability to smell is far more advanced than ours. The Jacobson’s organ, located inside the nasal cavity, opens into the roof of the mouth behind the upper incisors and serves as a secondary olfactory system designed for chemical communication related to mating. Cats use their keen sense of smell, along with a visual assessment, to provide vital information about a new feline acquaintance. The way cats sniff rear ends can establish which of two cats is dominant and set the foundation of their relationship.

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