
Cats + Preventive Care & Wellness

  • While the holidays add excitement to the winter months, we cannot forget about indoor and outdoor toxins frequently seen at this time of year. Keeping your pets healthy and safe will help keep the holidays stress free.

  • An increase in your pet’s breathing rate while resting quietly or sleeping is an early clinical sign that your pet may be developing heart failure and needs to see your veterinarian. In general, all normal dogs and cats have a breathing rate of between 15-30 breaths per minute when they are resting. Resting breathing rates that are consistently greater than 30 breaths per minute are increased and considered abnormal. One breath is counted when the chest has moved in and out once. Typically, your veterinarian will have you count the breathing rate once per day for a week while you are learning and then will set up a schedule depending on your pet’s heart health status.

  • Taking care of a paralyzed pet comes with many challenges. This handout reviews the needs of a paralyzed pet and how an owner can help them at home.

  • Since cats are living longer and longer, they are also experiencing the deterioration and debilitation that goes along with aging. This includes the development of osteoarthritis. No one is in a better position to identify the subtle changes in behavior that may signal pain than human family members. You may observe changes in the following: vocalization, daily activities, daily habits, facial expressions, or posture. Your cat may show uncharacteristic behavior to other pets or family members. If you notice any of these changes, contact your veterinarian.

  • Baths should be performed in a comfortably warm area, using lukewarm water. Medicated shampoo should be applied to a clean, wet coat, so start by thoroughly rinsing your cat with lukewarm water. Shampoo should be worked into the coat thoroughly and allowed to sit for 10 minutes before rinsing unless directed otherwise by your veterinarian.

  • It may take several weeks to build up to performing a full nail trim and that is perfectly normal and acceptable. The goal is to make nail trims and positive and stress-free as possible for your cat. Taking the time to desensitize your cat to handling and nail trims will pay off in the long run, by making all of your cat’s future nail trims more pleasant.

  • This handout discusses the anatomy of the cat’s ear canal, how to safely clean your cat’s ears to prevent ear infections, and how to apply topical ear medications if needed.

  • In some cases, two laid-back adult cats can be easily introduced with minimal drama. In other cases, however, the introduction does not go as smoothly. Some adult cats may physically fight with each other, resulting in potential injuries. Even in the absence of physical aggression, introductions can provoke anxiety that leads to inappropriate elimination, decreased appetite, or other signs of stress in one or both cats. Fortunately, you can help increase the likelihood of success by introducing two adult cats slowly and gradually.

  • Crate training is most used with dogs, but it can be useful for kittens and cats too. Crate training is useful in many situations, such as providing a safe place when home alone or unsupervised. Cats that are calm in their crates experience less distress when they need to travel, visit the veterinary hospital, or stay at a boarding facility. Starting while your cat is young makes training easier, but even adult cats can be trained to relax in a crate. If your cat shows signs of distress (e.g., prolonged vocalization, trying to escape, salivation, rapid continuous movement) while using the training methods provided in this handout, consult your veterinarian.

  • Once a pet has lost some weight, the new goal is to make sure that excess weight stays off. Pet parents who partner with their veterinary health care team for support and who focus on changing their behaviors often have the most success. Examples of some changes include using a different food or a different feeding method, focusing more on portion control, and incorporating some movement or activity time into each day. This article addresses several commonly asked questions about how to help a pet during the maintenance phase (after the weight has been lost).

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• Understanding Colic
• Understanding Cryosurgery
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