
Dogs + Pet Services

  • Cirnechi are friendly, affectionate, and loyal – but they're also independent and incredibly intelligent. Although they're only moderate energy dogs, they need plenty of mental stimulation in order to be happy.

  • Clonidine is a medication that is used to treat behavioral disorders in dogs, particularly anxiety or phobia-related. Give as directed. Side effects are generally mild if present and include sedation, lethargy, agitation/excitation, aggression, and constipation. Monitoring blood pressure as well as heart rate and rhythm is recommended with chronic use. If you suspect an overdose or an adverse reaction to the medication, call your veterinary office immediately.

  • Clostridial enterotoxicosis is a complex and poorly understood syndrome characterized by diarrhea that is associated with the bacteria Clostridium perfringens (CP). It is associated with either acute or chronic diarrhea. Clostridial enterotoxicosis is not caused by the bacteria directly, but rather by a toxin produced by the bacteria. Most cases of intestinal bacterial overgrowth are treated on an outpatient basis using antibiotics, nutrition, and probiotics.

  • Collie Eye Anomaly (CEA) is a genetic mutation affecting many breeds that causes developmental defects in the eye that can lead to vision deficits or blindness. This defect can be diagnosed by a veterinary ophthalmologist between 6 and 8 weeks of age by visualizing spots of choroidal hypoplasia or a colobomas . It can be associated with microphthalmia or enophthalmia. It can lead to retinal detachment and blindness. Although laser repair of partial retinal detachments can be attempted if detected in early stages, there is generally no treatment for CEA. Vision varies depending on the extent of the lesions and some dogs will become blind. Prevention requires not breeding animals that carry the mutation and this can be achieved through genetic testing of breeding dogs.

  • Color dilution alopecia is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder that affects dogs with dilute-colored coats causing hair loss. Some dogs will also be affected by secondary bacterial infections so topical management and pruritus treatments may be needed to improve the dog's comfort. Affected dogs and their relatives should not be bred.

  • Corneal dystrophy is a term used to describe several conditions that occur in dogs and cause the corneas to become opaque. There are three major categories of corneal dystrophy: epithelial, stromal, and endothelial. Each is named by the anatomic location of the abnormal tissue and opacity.

  • Systemic lymphoma is a very common cancer in dogs, but the cutaneous form is quite rare. Current statistics suggest that cutaneous lymphoma accounts for only about 5% of canine lymphoma cases. The disease can present in a variety of lesions, including ulcers, nodules, red patches, and areas of hair loss and skin scaling. Because not very much is known about canine cutaneous lymphoma, there are no standard treatment protocols and the prognosis is poor.

  • Your veterinarian wants to keep your pet healthy and the fact is that people who are better informed take better care of their pets. Do not be overwhelmed by “medicalese”. Try your best to understand this foreign language and if you cannot quite decipher it, ask your veterinarian to speak more plainly.

  • If a tooth is unerupted, it is at risk of forming a destructive dentigerous (odontogenic) cyst in the bone. Although unerupted or broken teeth can be painful, dogs rarely show obvious signs of pain. Dentigerous cysts, including and the original tooth must be removed carefully as to avoid compromising the bone, which can easily fracture during the extraction. Dentigerous cysts are preventable if unerupted teeth are addressed early in life.

  • Dermatomyositis is hereditary, immune-mediated disease of the skin muscles and blood vessels affecting primarily collies, Shetland Sheepdogs and mixes of these breeds. Other breeds can experience similar disease. Signs are usually first recognized in puppies but can present in young adulthood. Signs include: skin lesions (crusty erosions, patchy alopecia or ulcers) around the eyes, lips, face, ear flaps or tail tip, foot pad lesions; atrophy of chewing muscles or difficulty chewing; stiff gait and megaesophagus in severely affected dogs. Skin biopsies are diagnostic. Treatment involves treating secondary bacterial infections, reducing sun exposure, EFAs, and immunomodulatory medications including tetracycline, niacinamide, pentoxifylline, cyclosporine and corticosteroids. Prognosis varies depending on severity.

Our Services

• Understanding Colic
• Understanding Cryosurgery
• Dental Care
• Vaccines
• Endoscopy

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