
Surgical Conditions + English

  • A perineal hernia is a protrusion of tissue through the muscle of the perineum. Potential causes, clinical signs, and treatment are explained. The prognosis ranges from good to poor, depending on the ability to perform surgery and the pet's response to surgery. Perineal hernias have the potential to be life-threatening.

  • A perineal urethrostomy (PU) is a surgical procedure that is most commonly performed on male cats with a urinary obstruction. Male cats develop urinary obstructions much more readily than female cats, due to differences in urinary tract anatomy between the two sexes. A PU creates a new urinary opening that decreases the length of the urethra and allows urine to bypass this narrowed region. Less commonly, PU may also be done in cats with severe urethral trauma. After surgery, your cat will be required to wear an Elizabethan collar (e-collar) to prevent self-trauma to the surgical site.

  • Pigmentary keratitis is a discoloration of the cornea due to chronic inflammation and is most common in brachycephalic breeds. In many cases, complete resolution cannot be achieved, but the condition can be stopped or slowed down if the underlying cause can be identified and treated. Surgery and medications may be used to help address the problem.

  • Pneumothorax is an accumulation of air outside the lungs, but inside the chest wall. The air outside the lung prevents the lungs from inflating normally, and can lead to lung collapse. There are several variations of pneumothorax.

  • Porcupine quills can puncture the skin and move through muscle, ultimately penetrating into body cavities and internal organs. They contain barbs like fishhooks and tend to migrate inwards instead of being expelled. Do not cut quills or attempt to remove the quills yourself. Seek immediate veterinary care if your dog is quilled. Sedation or anesthesia is required to remove quills safely.

  • Special care must be taken when your dog comes home after an operation to ensure the incision area stays clean and dry and heals properly. Some signs are cause for concern, and if observed, call your veterinarian right away.

  • A recessed vulva, also referred to as a juvenile or hypoplastic vulva, is a conformational issue that occurs in female dogs. In this condition, the vulva is recessed within, or partially hidden by, surrounding folds of skin. Some dogs might have a recessed vulva for their entire life without ever experiencing any visible effects. In other dogs, however, a recessed vulva can predispose them to vaginitis and/or urinary tract infections. Depending on the severity of your dog’s clinical signs, medical or surgical options may be used to treat this condition.

  • Round cell tumors are among the most common skin tumors in dogs, and they typically form just under the skin, although they may change the surface of the skin above them. It is impossible to diagnose any of them without a veterinary pathologist analyzing a tissue sample of the tumor under a microscope. If detected early, most round cell tumors can be easily removed.

  • Struvite bladder stones are one of the most common bladder stones in cats. In some cats, struvite bladder stones form because of a urinary tract infection. Signs of bladder stones typically include frequent urination, straining to urinate, blood in the urine, and urinating outside of the litterbox. If your cat is having urinary issues, your veterinarian will first recommend a urinalysis. Blood tests, abdominal X-rays, and ultrasound may also be recommended. Medical dissolution and surgical removal are two categories of treatment. Cats who have developed struvite bladder stones are likely to experience a recurrence later in life, unless the conditions that led to the formation of stones can be corrected.

  • Home care after surgery mainly involves the restriction of physical activity. Excessive physical activity often leads to injury or serious complications. Monitor the incision daily for signs of redness, swelling, discharge, or excessive licking, and never apply anything to the incision unless instructed to do so. To keep your cat from licking, your veterinarian can provide you with a protective collar or recovery suit. Your cat should gradually improve each day.

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