

  • The simple answer to a complicated, much researched question is, yes! Dogs do recognize our facial expressions which makes them wonderful family members.

  • Dogs are not completely color blind, as they can see yellow and blue, as well as shades of gray. Their eye structure allows them to see better in dim light compared to people. Near-sightedness is common among dogs.

  • Dogs have an uncanny ability to process human language using both the left and right sides of the brain. Dogs can build a significant vocabulary. Much like a human infant, dogs recognize intonation and body language to interpret a word’s meaning. Combining vocabulary with perception of tone and body language enhances a dog’s ability to communicate with humans.

  • Behavior problems with your dog may need to be addressed by a trainer, certified animal behaviorist, or boarded veterinary behaviorist. Determining what level of help you need depends on the problem and if medical issues have been ruled out. Behavioral problems can take time and patience is a must.

  • Dogs love their owners unconditionally and science has proven as much. Their senses of smell and hearing are intensely tied to their recognition of their family members.

  • What is normal and what is not? The answer is: when the behavior is harmless or just annoying, it is probably normal. When the behavior is destructive, disruptive, or places people or other pets at risk, it is not normal. Addressing the problems early, before they become ingrained, is the best hope for avoiding future problems. Dogs will be dogs, but people are still ultimately responsible for them.

  • On your marks, get set, go! Dogs running, jumping, catching balls, making razor sharp turns, and racing to a finish line; that's the canine sport of flyball.

  • Dogs love to run. Dogs love to jump. Dogs love to swim. If your dog likes to do all three, why not investigate the relatively-new canine sport of Dock Diving?

  • Field trials focus on team-hunting and allow humans and their pet dogs to rekindle their hunting instincts in a fun, competitive format.

  • Walking is great exercise for both you and your dog. This article outlines some tips, requirements, and best practices to ensure you both have a safe, enjoyable walk. Make sure your veterinarian clears your dog for any new physical activity.

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