
Dogs + Behavior & Training

  • Clonidine is a medication that is used to treat behavioral disorders in dogs, particularly anxiety or phobia-related. Give as directed. Side effects are generally mild if present and include sedation, lethargy, agitation/excitation, aggression, and constipation. Monitoring blood pressure as well as heart rate and rhythm is recommended with chronic use. If you suspect an overdose or an adverse reaction to the medication, call your veterinary office immediately.

  • Dexmedetomidine is a sedative/tranquilizer used primarily in cats and dogs as a pre-medication injection for anesthesia or for chemical restraint. It is also used orally in dogs for short-term anxiety management. The most common side effect is a low heart rate. Dexmedetomidine should not be used in patients with severe heart liver or kidney disease. It should be used cautiously in young, old, or weak animals. Consult your veterinary office immediately if you suspect a negative reaction or overdose.

  • Dogs have the same five senses that humans have: the ability to see, hear, smell, feel, and taste. Some of these canine senses are very acute and function at a high level. Some people think that dogs have a sixth sense, but this presumption may be based on how well dogs use and integrate their other five senses. There is no scientific evidence that dogs have a sixth sense, but there are anecdotal reports demonstrating how perceptive they are.

  • Just like people, your dog can mourn when there has been a loss in their world, and the symptoms are similar. There are ways that you can help, with some guidance from your veterinarian or a behaviorist if needed.

  • Behavior problems with your dog may need to be addressed by a trainer, certified animal behaviorist, or boarded veterinary behaviorist. Determining what level of help you need depends on the problem and if medical issues have been ruled out. Behavioral problems can take time and patience is a must.

  • Dogs love their owners unconditionally and science has proven as much. Their senses of smell and hearing are intensely tied to their recognition of their family members.

  • What is normal and what is not? The answer is: when the behavior is harmless or just annoying, it is probably normal. When the behavior is destructive, disruptive, or places people or other pets at risk, it is not normal. Addressing the problems early, before they become ingrained, is the best hope for avoiding future problems. Dogs will be dogs, but people are still ultimately responsible for them.

  • Many veterinarians, including nutritionists and behaviorists, believe it is important for dogs and cats to express their natural foraging and hunting behaviors. For pets living indoors, this can be difficult, and the lack of this stimulation can sometimes lead to behavior problems. Enriching a pet's environment with food toys and puzzles at mealtimes can fulfill the need to forage. The use of toys, puzzles and other novel methods of food delivery can also be effective ways to increase daily movement in overweight or inactive pets.

  • Dogs can be amazing family members and greatly enrich our lives! Adding a dog to the family is also a serious commitment, and research before choosing a dog will help set the family and the dog up for success. This handout goes over some factors to consider when selecting a dog.

  • Dogs may become frightened of specific locations due to a traumatic event or negative experience that occurred at the location. Comfortable exposures during a puppy's sensitive socialization period may prevent fear from developing. Treatment includes behavior modification and medication, in some cases.

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• Understanding Colic
• Understanding Cryosurgery
• Dental Care
• Vaccines
• Endoscopy

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